Sunday, November 10, 2013

Great day yesterday.

So,  three weeks a go I thought I would place the camera overlooking a field below the Sherwood Farm. It turns out that I picked one place in the park that has no wildlife. In all that time, the camera picked up one deer--and nothing else.

Good day though, anyway.

I went to see the progress the beaver was making on its new dam. As I was standing there, I heard a small plop in the water.

Seconds later, the beaver appeared. It swam to and fro for several minutes, before going back to hide somewhere. This was just before 1:00 pm. It's pretty rare that beavers come out in the daytime. I don't know if it is significant that this one did, or just a random event.

Either way, I was glad to see it.

Enjoy the pictures.

More later.

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