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30 March 2013. |
It is still chomping on the big tree that it has been chomping on for a couple weeks. This is , by far, the biggest tree in Cromwell Valley Park that it has cut down or tried to cut down. I don't know if that is significant or not. One source I checked says that beavers only cut down large tree when smaller ones are unavailable. That does not seem to be the case here.
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the old dam. 30 March 2013. |
I also took a walk down to the first dam and den that the beaver built. You may recall that a flood at the
end of January, forced the beaver to look elsewhere for a home. The remnants of the dam are still visible, but with a large hole eroded in the center. Similarly, the den is still visible, but the hole made by an animal has eroded, and is filled with sticks.![]() |
the old den, probably home to a new animal. 30 March 2013. |
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the collapsed secondary entrance hole. 30 March 2013. |
So, we all know that beavers destroy a lot of trees. But they do more than destroy. They create as well.
Bernd Heinrich, studying geese living in a beaver pond, found 92 species of birds in the pond. He counted 28 of them using the beaver-created habitat for breeding. (The Geese of Beaver Bog, Bernd Heinrich) His list is below:
- Horned grebe
- Pie-billed grebe
- American Bittern
- Great Blue Heron
- Canada Goose (breeds in pond)
- Mallard (breeds in pond)
- American black duck
- Green-winged teal
- Blue-winged teal
- Wood duck
- Ring-necked duck
- Lesser scaup
- Common goldeneye
- Bufflehead
- Common merganser
- Hooded-merganser
- Virginia rail (breeds in pond)
- Killdeer
- Solitary sandpiper
- Spotted sandpiper
- Common snipe (breeds in pond)
- American woodcock (breeds in pond)
- Bald eagle
- Northern harrier
- Sharp-shinned hawk
- Broad-winged hawk
- Osprey
- Ruffed grouse
- Wild turkey
- Mourning dove (breeds in pond)
- Black-billed cuckoo (breeds in pond)
- Barred owl
- Ruby-throated hummingbird
- Belted kingfisher
- Northern flicker
- Yellow-bellied sapsucker
- Downy woodpecker
- Hairy woodpecker
- Pileated woodpecker
- Eastern kingbird (breeds in pond)
- Olive-sided flycatcher
- Eastern Phoebe
- Least flycatcher
- Willow flycatcher
- Alder flycatcher
- Tree swallow
- Bank swallow
- Barn swallow
- Blue jay (breeds in pond)
- American crow
- Common raven
- Tufted titmouse
- Black-capped chickadee (breeds in pond)
- Winter wren
- Golden-crowned Kinglet
- Ruby-crowned kinglet
- Blue-gray gnatcatcher
- American Robin (breeds in pond)
- Veery (breeds in pond)
- Northern shrike
- Gray catbird (breeds in pond)
- Bohemian waxwing
- Cedar waxwing (breeds in pond)
- Red-eyed vireo
- Warbling vireo
- Tennessee warbler
- Nashville warbler
- Chestnut-sided warbler (breeds in pond)
- Yellow-rumped warbler
- Palm warbler
- Yellow warbler (breeds in pond)
- Northern waterthrush (breeds in pond)
- Common yellowthroat (breeds in pond)
- American redstart (breeds in pond)
- Rose-breasted grosbeak breeds in pond)
- Northern cardinal (breeds in pond)
- Song sparrow (breeds in pond)
- American tree sparrow
- Dark-eyed junco
- White-throated sparrow
- White-crowned sparrow
- Fox sparrow
- Swamp sparrow (breeds in pond)
- Red-winged blackbird (breeds in pond)
- Brown-headed cowbird (breeds in pond)
- Common grackle (breeds in pond)
- Northern oriole (breeds in pond)
- American goldfinch (breeds in pond)
- Pine grosbeak
- Common redpoll
- Purple finch
- Evening grosbeak
Maybe lady beavers prefer males that can cut down big trees. John Bridge
ReplyDeleteI've been monitoring this area as well. That is, when I hike here, I always go by to see the latest destruction. I was there on 3/30 and noticed the camera. It doesn't look to be too long now before that tree goes over!