Sunday, July 20, 2014

Still no turtle--and a two for one special

Still no turtle. And that reminds me that I've also never caught a skunk on film.

I wonder why that is. There must be skunks in the area. They live in a variety of habitats and eat most everything.  And apparently their population is growing like crazy in many cities. See this fascinating article in the most recent Outside magazine. 

Someday, maybe, I'll capture a skunk.

Meanwhile, where I can't find a turtle, I have found some other animals. 

You'll recognize this raccoon. And you may think that it is washing it's food--that's a commonly held belief. So commonly held that it's Latin name is "Procyon lotor". The lotor means one who washes, or washer. 

Current thinking, however is that the raccoon is not washing its food, but that it has very delicate feeling in its paws. So it hunts by feel.

In the photographs to the right, the raccoon is hunting for food in the pond. Crayfish and other food found in ponds are a major part of the raccoon's diet.

The home range of the raccoon varies, but seems to be seven acres at a minimum. They especially like to be around water. Cromwell Valley Park has over 400 acres and a lot of water, so I expect has a pretty good raccoon population.

And here is a very wet mammal. I'm pretty sure it's a groundhog, probably the same one we saw in my last post. I didn't know groundhogs like water. But this one, at least, does.

My last picture is a two for one special. 

You can see why another name for the raccoon is ringtail. 

Take a close look at the center distance. 

See those eyes?

Apparently the raccoon also saw those eyes.

It appears to have exited the scene to the right, and pronto.  Then a fox ambles in to the scene nonchalantly.

Stay tuned. The camera is now looking for the mean troll under a bridge. Think I'll find one?

Sunday, July 6, 2014

No luck yet....

While I was casting about for a place to put the camera, the Naturalist suggested I try for a turtle.

I tried for a turtle.

I failed to capture a turtle on camera.

But I did get a groundhog, a deer, and a mystery.

Enjoy the videos.

I'm not entirely sure what this is. I think it is a moth flitting in and out of the image. 

I have placed the camera in a couple different configurations, all overlooking the spring-fed pool along the blue trail. It looks like a place that ought to have quite a bit of wildlife. I suspect the problem is that I've put the camera at a couple odd angles. Not much for it though, as that's how the trees are growing. The camera is now looking at the pond from a different angle. Maybe I'll get that turtle yet. 

Go outside and play.