Sunday, December 18, 2016

Well, I was wrong......

The beaver is still there. And is still eating. And is still carrying sticks towards the Run.

But it really is curious to me that there is no apparent dam building, nor any recently cut down trees.

Let me know, please, if you see anything. Meanwhile, enjoy the videos. And enjoy the wonderful benefits to us all that come from public lands.

Don't forget to go outside and play.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

I believe we've seen the last of this beaver--and your park needs you.

My last captured image of the beaver was on 26 November 2016.

Since then, I've observed:
  • The dam is gone, completely washed away
  • There are no new trees cut down by the beaver
  • There are no beaver sticks (The wood left over after a beaver eats the cambium. Because they are so bright, they are very easy to see, and evidence of recent eating in the area.)
This leads, of course to the obvious question--where did it go? I have no idea. But:
  • A reliable source tells me that it hasn't been trapped and moved by the County Government
  • No one has seen any activity nearby, indicating that it hasn't moved up or down stream
  • There is a new alpha predator in Cromwell Valley Park.....

Awkward segue.

Indulge me for a minute, please.

I don't think it's a surprise to any of you that parks at all levels of government are not as well funded and supported as they might be. They just don't have the political horsepower of other activities. This makes volunteers and friends groups of parks vitally important. 

If you love Cromwell Valley Park as I do, and you want it to thrive, please join the Cromwell Valley Park Council. Annual membership for a family is $20.00. Twenty bucks! For a year! Peanuts! You spend more than that at Starbucks in a week! (At least some of you do....)

Please join. And please consider being on the Board of the Council. 11 meetings are scheduled for 2017. That's not a huge time commitment. But it gives you a chance to make a difference. 

Feel free to message me for more information.

and don't forget to go outside and play.

Saturday, November 26, 2016


I had a chance to poke around Minebank Run the other day and observed something odd. The beaver dam has been unchanged for several weeks. This even though the beaver is still active in the area--that's easily evident from the sticks in the water left over from its eating. As well as the trees it has cut down. But for some reason it's not building a dam. Nor did I see a food cache anywhere.

I did, though capture a coyote. This is the second time I've done that. I was struck by the fact that it was in the same place that I have photographed a fox. As I understand, the coyotes will become the alpha predator in the area, and will drive down the fox population. We'll see.

Meanwhile the residents are having fun in the park. Hope you are too.

Sunday, November 13, 2016




The beaver (or beavers?) is active in Minebank Run. It's hard to see in these photographs, but the dam is slightly larger. Perhaps you can see that it extends a little more on the right side of the photograph?

I've also captured two photographs and a video. 

And I captured this photograph too. It sure looks to me like the fox is marking his territory on the tree the beaver cut down.

Ain't life grand?

Friday, November 11, 2016

They're baaack.....

And I will have more to post as soon as I can......

Don't forget to go outside and play.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Seeing Eye to Eye

Seeing eye to eye, and a Great blue heron, and a couple videos. I hope you enjoy them.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

I've never captured two before, in one picture.

But I did this time. Two red foxes.

I don't know what they are doing. They don't seem to be fighting, and their breeding season is in the middle of the winter.

This is the time of year when the families split up and the young have to go out and find a territory of their own, so that could explain the pictures. Or perhaps it's just an odd coincidence.

And a great blue heron stopped by to say hello as well. Beautiful birds, aren't they?

And we'll leave with one last. I love the eyes in this one. Look closely in the center of the photographs and you'll see them. Based on the other photographs in the sequence, I'm sure it's a raccoon. 

It's hawk migration season. Cromwell is a great place to watch.

Don't forget to go outside and play.